
Among the packaging options available in the market, the plastic tube stands out for offering several advantages for the Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, Veterinarian, Chemical, and Food industries.

The package is key in the development of new products. It relates to all company areas and meets the safety needs for the product’s storage, stockpiling, transportation, and display.

It requires less raw material and supplies per application, its development is faster and less costly, it has fewer components, it is faster to make and easier to display at the POS, and it has great marketing appeal. The tube is ready for filling and selling.

Cosmetics Market

Cosmetics Market

Plastic tubes’ biggest packaging market. Globoplast offers high quality with decorative potential and fast development, ensuring the product’s marketing appeal.

Pharmaceutical Market

Packaging solutions for several kinds of ointments, nasal, ear, and eye solutions, and other Pharmaceutical and Veterinarian products that comply with the GMP's highest standards.

Pharmaceutical Market
Chemical Market

Chemical Market

Developed for a wide variety of chemicals, Globoplast’s tubes stand out for their ease of storage and wide area for visual utilization with full volume flexibility.

Food Market

Food Market

Segment with a great opportunity for innovation. Globoplast’s tubes are practical, modern, and stand out at the POS. Applications include packages for Sauce, Paste, Jam, Honey, and others.

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